At Gracy’s Malta, the health and safety of our beloved guests and valued employees are of the utmost concern at all times. The executive team continues to closely monitor, since the earliest days, of the COVID-19 outbreak through all channels of information. This includes the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as, federal, state, and local government entities.
As a proud & responsible Maltese business, Gracy’s has served and will continue to serve our guests with the highest regard and concern. We would like to remind our guests while our stringent cleaning and sterilization has been a norm. We are furthering the implementation of any incoming and new protocols set forth by CDC, WHO, EPA, also including all governmental guidelines. Gracy’s will relentlessly follow these protocols and add any others that are deemed necessary for the indefinite future.
As the concern for COVID-19 continues to grow, we would like to invite our guests to further inform themselves of the steps we are taking to maintain the continued health and safety of all:
Gracy’s staff are not permitted to work with any symptoms of illness, even the slightest symptoms.
• Staff is also discouraged from having personal contact within the restaurant if they feel ill.
• Frequent reminders to our employees of the recommended hygiene & health practices and preventative measures to take such as:
• Wash Hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
• Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60-95% alcohol.
• Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Cover nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing with a tissue followed by immediate disposal of that tissue and then wash hands thoroughly.
• Increased frequency and extent of cleaning and disinfectant practices of restaurant furnishings which include but not limited to, handles, doors, credit card machines, menus, utensils, flip cards, and restroom fixtures, especially as these are objects and surfaces that our guests come in most contact with.
• Installation of sanitizer stations around the restaurant for our guests convenience.
• Rigorous deep cleaning of restaurant before and after business hours daily with commercial grade cleaning supplies.
• Daily meetings of the executive team with all staff to further the knowledge of all and any new preventative techniques and measures released by the agencies and government.
As a restaurant, health and safety are absolutely paramount in this area to protect our guests and staff. We will continue to work as diligently as possible to keep you safe and our operations normal. We appreciate your trust and hope you may find comfort in our cuisine. If you have any questions about Gracy’s response or commitment to health and safety, we welcome your call.
Thank you,
Gracy’s Management.